Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Life Twist

-CHANGE.....So I know it's been awhile since I've posted. It's be a rough several months. My husband and I thought we were pregnant, but only to fine out that I had PCOS, probably for most of my life but it just recently started to act up, which will make getting pregnant very difficult and that we would struggle with infertility.  PCOS is short of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It is a problem in which a woman's hormones  are out of balance. 
Now this instant a death sentence. Gosh I wish I would of told myself that before. I won't lie I got very upset/discouraged and even blamed my father in heaven. I blamed myself for not having seeing the signs sooner as well.  
I have done everything right, why this, why me? I was just walking in the motions. I'd go to church take the sacrament, avoid talking to members and just keep to myself. I hadn't gone to the temple in months and my very supportive husband said, we need to go, so I did. I cried through the whole session. I was no longer mad with my father, for he has not forsaken me. He won't give us trials that we cannot handle.
I was finally ready to share my story, I bore my testimony in relief society (so glad they brought that back) about my struggles. You can't believe how much better you feel when you just let it out. Although I don't know why this is my trial, I'm now, not angry anymore but plan to be a better wife, sister, granddaughter, friend, co-worker and someday a mother. I plan to become healthy in every aspect of my life and try to be a better me and with the love and support from you all I know I can be happy in my new life adventure.
I'm now ready to share this with you all. I feel like this is the first step to getting better, by telling my story. I've been working hard with my doctor, husband and family. I know this road won't be easy but I know with the strength from my father above I can do anything. Even if it's to just cry when I can't take that next step. I got this.